Tried & true, our 3 Day Juice Cleanse gives your digestive organs a much needed break. Habitual diets mean that you might be missing out on some important nutrition!

3 Legacy Juices

Our 3 most popular juices we’ve ever made. These are the bottled juices we always have in the shop.

3 Nut Milks

We took cashews + coconuts and juiced them, at the same time. It was…

3 Heritage Juices

So juicy that pretty much everybody drinks these
simple yet genius concoctions.

 The Legacy Juices

Orange Sunshine

orange + pineapple + carrot + lemon

Orange is so significant that they named an entire color after it. Besides its hue, oranges have high levels of vitamin C. They have no sodium and lots of potassium, helpful for lowering your blood pressure.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a powerful digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins so your body can better absorb them. About 400 years ago, pineapples were so rare and exotic in Europe that people would rent the fruit to display it at parties as an indication of their wealth.

Lemons are high in vitamin C and suppresses body weight gain and fat accumulation. It's also high in acid. Citric acid! That face you make when you bite into a lemon means that it's working, because the bitterness stimulates the liver and gallbladder. The good ol’ gallbladder produces bile, which in turn helps with the flow of digestion.

Old School

beets + carrot + apple + ginger

Hypertension is afraid of beets. Beets are rich in nitrates, which convert into nitric oxide in your body, which dilates your blood vessels and allows your heart to pump more efficiently. This is likely Dwight Schrute's secret to retracting his major blood vessels into his body.

Carrots don't necessarily improve your eyes, but they contain the essential nutrients (beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein) for maintaining healthy eyeballs. So if you care at all about seeing things...

Evidence shows us that humans have been cultivating apples for at least 20 centuries. That's allowed for a great deal of improvement! Apples are the OG fruit. They're a solid source of fiber, carbs and healthy sugars. Although they have sugars, apples don't raise your blood sugar levels like most sweet things.

If it burns, it's working. Ginger is rather potent. Fortunately, you don't have to consume that much to reap the benefits of this spicy root. For most people, digestion will speed up, nausea will dissipate, hairs will strengthen and your tummy won't ache.

Great Green

kale + parsley + celery + apple + lemon

If nutritional concentration were a race, kale would take the lead by miles. Just a couple ounces of raw kale contains a week’s worth of vitamin K. Perhaps they named that vitamin in honor? There is also an abundance of quercetin, kaempferol, Vitamins A and C - nutrients that makes your body happy!

Parsley is cute, but it's much more than just a garnish. With an impressive amount of antioxidants and essential vitamins, parsley protects your cells from damage that free radicals might cause. In addition to being the most adorable cell armor, parsley is a potassium-rich diuretic. Potassium is the main mineral that is lost by taking over-the-counter diuretics.

In celery, nutrients make up a majority of the mass, but there isn't much mass. This is why celery makes for an awesome juice. It helps reduce inflammation, lowers blood pressure, improves heart health and even aids in stress-relief. It’s also a diuretic. This juice is a real valve opener.

 The Nut Milks

Cacao Milk

cacao + chaga + cashew milk + coconut milk + maple + date + sea salt

Cacao is chocolate in its most pure and raw state, which is delicious AND healthy! Lots of readily available iron in cacao. The best ingredient in this drink has got to be the mystical Chaga (mushroom) extract. Chaga is one of the most impressive polypores that's ever been.

A polypore is a mushroom that grows on decaying wood; important for the cyclical nature of forests. There are many impressive features of Chaga: copious amounts of antioxidants, lowers blood sugar, high in fibers and low in calories. All over the world, it has been used to fight cancer.

Dragon Milk

dragon fruit + strawberry + cashew milk + coconut milk + maple + date + sea salt

Dragon fruit is one of those fruits that seems to be from a different planet. It features high amounts of antioxidants, magnesium, prebiotic fibers and vitamin C. There aren't many fruits that contain iron, but dragon fruit is one of them. Vitamin C actually works as an absorbing agent for iron, helping deliver more bioavailable nutrients & minerals than most fruits.

The strawberry is iconic, a favorite fruit for many. With significant amounts of vitamin K and C, manganese and also magnesium. Manganese (besides a great name for a rapper) is essential to the human body. It helps build bones, metabolize amino acids and heal wounds.

Lion’s Mane Milk

Madagascar vanilla + lion’s mane + strawberry + cashew milk + coconut milk + maple + date + sea salt

This drink features Madagascar Vanilla and Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus). Vanilla is a mysterious spice, not as simple as it is often perceived. It is the only edible fruit of the entire orchid family, which is the most diverse flower family with more than 26,000 different species. Vanilla has lots of nutrients and B vitamins, meaning that this rich flavor benefits more than just taste buds. Its calming effect and antioxidant properties improves your brain feel and function.

Lion's Mane has an even more beneficial impact on your brain! This mushroom is celebrated as a
neuro-regenerative. Studies have shown that Lion's Mane had increased the nerve growth factor (NGF) and reduced AB plaque in the brain. There are so many incredible studies coming out about this amazing mushroom! The amount of bioactive metabolites in this drink make it a serious brain-booster.

 The Heritage Juices

Master Cleanse

lemon + cayenne + maple + alkaline water

Lemons are high in vitamin C and suppresses body weight gain and fat accumulation. It's also high in acid. Citric acid! That face you make when you bite into a lemon means that it's working, because the bitterness stimulates the liver and gallbladder. The good ol’ gallbladder produces bile, which in turn helps with the flow of digestion.

Cayenne's main active ingredient is capsaicin (that’s what makes it hot). When you ingest capsaicin, more heat is released in a process called diet-induced thermogenesis. This increases your metabolism.

Maple contains zinc, which is as good for you on the inside as it is on the outside. You will also find calcium up in there. Zinc and calcium get along really well and hang out all the time. Although it's not fully understood, they help protect your blood-pump (heart). Possibly because they love you. <3

Alkaline Water lowers acid-reflux 'cause alkalinity is the opposite of acidity. Additionally, it's got some pretty nifty antioxidant properties.

So Fresh

mint + spirulina + coconut water

As we all know, mint is cool. It remedies a range of gastrointestinal complications; IBS, indigestion and even tummy aches. Plus it smells so fresh and so clean.

Spirulina is one of the most pure and simple sources of nutrition ever. It's a cyanobacteria, a single-cell microbe. AKA, blue-green algae. That's why it smells aquatic. It produces energy from sunlight (photosynthesis). One tablespoon of the powder has 4 grams of protein, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), omega-6, omega-3, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese. We can thank phycocyanin for all of this! Phycocyanin (say that 5 times fast…) is a spectacular antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Coconut water is high in potassium and magnesium. It's also loaded up with electrolytes, so much so that it resembles human plasma :O Coconut water is different from coconut milk. The water is raw and clear, coming from young coconuts. The milk is manufactured by grating the pulp of mature coconuts.

So Clean

activated charcoal + key lime + coconut water

Activated charcoal is a fine powder with small pores and large surface area. The porous structures trap toxins and chemicals that your body shouldn't process. It has a negative electrical charge, which attract the positively charged toxins. Little magnets in your gut! Just like Iron Man.

Key limes bring sufficient vitamin C and soluble fibers into the mix. The soluble fibers help regulate your body's sugar absorption, lowering the chances of hyperglycemia (blood sugar spike). Supposedly, true key limes are only found in the Florida Keys.

The main part of this juice is that thirst-quenching coconut water we know and love. It hydrates you while also lowering your hemoglobin A1c levels, which is great news for diabetics.

The protocol for cleansing:


All of the bottles will be numbered and we will include a little guide with the optimized schedule. There are 6 delicious bottles for every day.


The drinks are loaded with nutritional value, plenty of energy to go kick butt & dominate the day. BUT we recommend taking it easy, pacing yourself and just hanging out with your body.


Thirst is a weird thing. Sometimes it leads to irrational behavior… Drink lots of water, not just the drinks in the cleanse!


Just about every vitamin under the Sun, we can jam into a bottle, and we did. They’re all in this cleanse. Except for the Sun itself! Sunlight is full of vitamin D. Not only does your body require vitamin D, but it helps with the adsorption of calcium, magnesium and a bunch of other minerals & vitamins that are in the cleanse.


The whole purpose of this cleanse is to make your body feel good. It’s not a punishment but rather a reward!

Do not starve yourself.

Keep light, healthy and unprocessed snacks handy such as nuts, berries and maybe some granola. It’s your choice, always!


Let’s face it; some of our friends really need to do a juice cleanse. Lead by example, do the cleanse yourself first. Post pretty pics of the bottles while you drink them! Then, if you really care about someone, tell them what’s good!